
Browsing all articles tagged with rants.

Why twins? No really, why?

Why twins? No really, why? 

I’m often asked this. Twinmaker, Troubletwisters and the Books of the Cataclysm all feature twins (identical, fraternal and mirror, respectively). Then there are the books that feature duplication of people, one way or another in Geodesica, Orphans, The Resurrected Man, The Fixers, Astropolis . . . it never ends. So why? This is a question […]

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Return of the Recommended Texts

Return of the Recommended Texts 

I’ve had a small break after “I, Q” but it’s time to start posting again. Here are six more d-mat-related tales that I enjoyed reading while doing the research for my PhD. I can’t reiterate enough how much these stories inspired me to think about matter transmitters in new and interesting ways–new to me, anyway. […]

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The Reading of Recommended Texts is Recommended (but not Compulsory)

The Reading of Recommended Texts is Recommended (but not Compulsory) 

I’m obsessed with d-mat. (Does it show?) As well as writing Twinmaker and all the related short stories and urban myths and stuff–having huge fun doing it too, let me tell you–I was working on a PhD examining the history of matter transmitters, with a view to making other people obsessed with them too. Or […]

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On Twins (Reading For Australia Guest Post)

Linda De Silva of Reading For Australia invited me to write a piece on anything I wanted for her wonderful site, an initiative of the 2013 Kids’ Lit Quiz team to promote awareness of the competition. Naturally, I chose to talk about twins and how special they are, not just in general (although they are) […]

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